Saturday, September 3, 2011

Whole Food

So I'm on a new journey to eat healthier and for my family to eat healthier as well.  Along my journey I have run across a few blogs and websites that I am finding a ton of information on.  Here are a couple.  :)
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>

I'm really looking forward to this journey I'm going on.  So far it has been exciting and fun.  Here is to many more years of exciting and fun.  I'll periodically share about my journey and what new things I've found. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Contentment and Joy

So this summer has been a whirl wind of change. We, only being in GA for 7 months, decided to buy a home and move yet again.  This means: packing, packing and more packing to eventually unpack, unpack and more unpacking.  Through all of this change we have seen many issues arise in our family.  
These issues range from the small of too much stuff to the large of character issues. The two largest issues we have noticed is our lack of joy and lack of contentment.  I say our because I noticed it in me first. We know this move was hard on everyone.  Taking what was comfortable and easy to what is different and hard.  From lots of friends and family to no friends or family.  As an adult it is easy to see and say... "This is what God wants for us."  But, we didn't even fathom the difficulty our children would have with the changes.  
I still have no doubt in my mind that moving to GA and then moving to our new home were the best decisions and the ones God had in store for us. However, watching the pain, and heartache that my children are going through makes the sting all the more real.  I myself am struggling day to day with the loss of close ties and to watch my children struggle with not seeing their friends and being lonely breaks my heart.
So we have tried to focus on finding joy and contentment in a world of chaos and sadness.  Choosing joy vs depression, choosing contentment vs anger.  These are hard things as an adult.  Teaching them to a child is an uphill battle that I must conquer.  We are studying Abraham, Joseph, Jonah and the many other people in history that either by choice or not left what was comfortable and familiar to follow God's will.  Through that, seeing what blessing or lack of blessing they received, and we are finding that picking joy and contentment in the situation and following God's plan is always the best coarse of action in any circumstance. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

No Change

I wish that since my last post things for me had changed.  However, they haven't.  I am still struggling with a depression I've never experienced.  I feel like a failure in personal, spiritual and physical aspects of my being.  I honestly feel like someone trapped in a bubble and I'm watching what is going on in my life screaming "Fix that stupid" and yet watching myself make the same mistakes over and over again.  It is a horrible nightmare.
After a long chat with my husband today I believe that I have the accountability that I need through him now.  We discussed my feelings, my actions and my doubts.  He was truly an amazing man as he listened to all I had to say and with love he then gave me wisdom and encouragement.  Both of which I needed desperately. 
Since moving to Atlanta, I have watched myself slip into oblivion and thought I had no way out of the deep abyss I now find myself in.  Knowing in my head that God will see me through and knowing in my head that there is light at the end of the tunnel but feeling in my heart heavy and trapped.  What a frightful feeling.  I know I am not out of the dark yet but I at least feel a hand holding mine in the dark.  The Lord definitely sends us exactly what we need at the exact moment we need it. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


The last few days for me have been an uphill battle.  I have no idea why. I just know that every moment seems like a huge struggle.  I don't want to get out of bed. I seem to only fight with my kids. I trudge through school. I procrastinate on dinner till I'm frustrated and just wanna scream.  
I have found myself slipping into an oblivion and don't care that I am.  Several verses keep popping into my head... "Look to the ant, you sluggard.", "Think on whatever is righteous, pure and true" and many others.  I think my prayer to the Lord is all that is holding this shred of anything together.  Somehow he is giving me the strength I have (ever so little it seems) to trudge through this dismal day.  
My prayer is that each day I will hold on to a little more of His strength and a little less of the selfish me that has seemed to take over my whole being.  I want to stand up tall and be a loving mom whom her kids will always be proud to say "That's my Mom".  I want to be the wife that has the home ready for her husbands arrival.  I want to be the teacher that makes learning fun.  I am currently failing in all accounts but I know my Lord has better things for me, I just need to give up myself and see the wonderful life he has for me instead. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

5 mo and counting

This year has been a huge rollercoaster for my family.  My husband was given a great opportunity with the company that the previous company so we made a drastic move to Atlanta, GA. A week after arriving my youngest turned one year old, and he started walking. We moved from a state that required no notice of homeschooling to a state that not only requires notice but also a monthly attendance record.  We left behind our friends, our family and life as we know it. 

Today, 5 months later we are looking to buy our first house here.  We have joined a new church that is probably 50 times larger than the one we left behind.  We are actively involved with AWANA, baseball, ballet and Playball.  We have been more structured in our daily homeschool routine to fit the state requirements and we have also joined a homeschool group that does monthly field trips.  

Life is chaotic and yet somehow perfect all at the same time.  

We have found that our marriage is stronger, our family is tighter and our love for one another is fused.  We have seen all of our weaknesses through this and have rejoiced in one another's strengths.  

I would have to say that the one thing we are still missing in this picture are friends.  We have met acquaintances but have not found those friends you can call on a whim and chat, or friends that you know you can count on in thick and thin.  We have not found a person that just clicked. 

We know God sent us here for a reason. We know and trust he has a plan for us.  We are truly blessed by His Grace and overwhelmed by His Love.  It is by His strength alone that we survived the first 5 months. :)  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter or Resurrection Day?

So the last few weeks everyone is gearing up for Easter or Resurrection Day.  But what do you call it?  I have been bombarded with emails, post cards, facebook posts and the like all of which giving their argument for one or the other. This makes me ponder if it really matter what I call it as I have four children that I am teaching daily the ways of the Lord. Am I doing them a dis-service by not labeling it correctly?  
I have done the research and know where the origins of the "easter" celebration came from.  I also know that the Christians used these pagan ritual days to mask their own church services so they could worship the Lord of Lords without persecution.  
I see both sides of the coin and I see merit in both. 
After discussing it with my husband we came to the conclusion that we are raising children to love the Lord our God with all their heart, soul and mind.  We have seen fruit from our oldest two in their attempt to follow the Lord.  We have also seen them face many persecutions from other children for making the right choice.  As such we are going to focus on what Easter is all about for a Christian.  We are not going to mince over words and rituals that would further the persecution. Thus setting them up to not be able to be the light to our neighborhood as they would be outcasts. 
We do not believe in the Easter Bunny but we do hunt eggs and afterward we go through the Resurrection story finding the empty one last for the empty tomb.  Our children will not feel they are missing "greener grasses" and long to not have that which they do not, we hope.  
That being said, I pray that those who celebrate a traditional Easter or those who celebrate a Resurrection Day can see and appreciate one another.  For as long as we are celebrating a Savior who died on the cross and rose again three days later we are celebrating the same thing. No matter how we choose to steep our traditions.  

Friday, April 1, 2011


My heart is aching.  I just read a discussion on facebook that a group of old friends were involved.  I am shocked and amazed at how people who grew up being told the truth and profess it to be true can so vehemently oppose it now. I have been watching the last few months as a couple, man and wife, that I grew up with completely turn their backs on God and are now trying to bring others with them.  
I have on the other hand watched as friends who were luke warm in their faith as teens flourish in their adulthood into servants of Christ.  It is this that has brought these two worlds together and has made my heart ache today. 
I saw a post by an old friend informing of a decision a well know cancer organization had made to support a well known abortion supporter  I upon reading it was so proud of that friend for being bold enough to post it.  Then I started reading the posts in reply to the original.  Several of the comments were by people I did not know and therefore was just sad for a few and very impressed by others. 
However, one post caught my eye. It was from the couple whom I have ached for the past month because I've seen that they have allowed their hurt by other "Christians" to turn them the opposite directions and they therefore label themselves "free thinkers".  In his post he says that Christians are self righteous hypocrites because they choose to oppose abortion and yet not adopt the many children in foster care.  Really, so my status as a Christian is based on whether I have the money to adopt children?!? not on whether I choose something because it is done in obedience to the Word of God.  
I was saddened  by the fact that his only defense to his anger toward this post was that he felt Christians had abandoned the defenseless fatherless child. Stating that we stereotyped this business by one persons (the ceo of the company) decision to support another company.  However he stereotyped an entire group of people by the decisions of a few.  Yes, I agree many Christians don't see the orphan as their responsibility.  However to blame the whole for a few is the same thing he is arguing in the defense.  
I have not yet figured out what or how or if I should to respond to him.  It is the first time in a long time I have actually wanted to get into a debate.  However, I don't yet feel I should.  My prayer is now more fervent for my old friends and a new prayer for the wisdom and words to say at the appropriate time are added.    

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning From My Children

So today I took the four kids to McDonald's for our end of the month "Pat on the Back" for a job well done.  We all got chicken nuggets, fries and a soda.  We laughed together as we ate our meal and watched other kids playing. The highlight of our trip, for my kids, is getting to play in the playground for an hour.  Today there were lots of kids in the playground as it is Spring Break here in Cobb County and its also rainy today so many many parents have brought their restless children out to the fast food joints. (Chik Fil A was full)

I sat back and watched my children play and was so proud of them as I watched them put others first and readily forgive the pushes and proding of other children.  One child that was there was particularly bad at the pushing, proding and attempts at biting, which made these instances almost overwhelming.  He was there with his teenage babysitter who seemed to be at her witts end. 

One of my kids noticed this boy was trying to bite his brother and quickly swooped in.  He first moved his brother away from the boy, then he turned to the boy and told him very point blank, "You need Jesus, do you know who He is?"  The little boy said "NO, and I don't need anybody!"  My son not missing a beat began to go through the gospel with this little boy.  

I watched amazed at the knowledge that my son had gathered and was using so well.  I was convicted to the core as I sat and pondered how long it had been since I shared Christ with a stranger.  I'm always worried about what they would think of me and not that their very eternal soul is at risk. I also have the same knowlege my son does but honestly can't remember when I used it last other than sharing it with my children.  My son had no quams sharing with this little boy.  He just saw a boy in need of a Savior and a forgiveness he had not yet experienced.  I immediately had to pray that the Lord would give me the courage that my son was now showing in sharing His Love with strangers. 

The little boy did not accept the invitation to accept Christ as his Savior.  But my son was proud of himself that he had done what Christ had asked him to do.  When I asked why he started sharing the Love of Jesus with him he simply answered "Because God told me too." 

If only we as adults would share the Love of Jesus with all who are in need.  Those who are hurting, those who are lost, without the fear that Satan has placed in our hearts.  Imagine what our world would be like if we obeyed when God said to share.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I've been struggling with getting my kids to do their chores.  I don't know why.. It is one of my most "favorite" activities.  So, I've been looking for ideas to spice up our chore life.  For the last few years I have used a card/slot system in which there were cards hung on a peg board and as they finished the card they got to put that card in the slot at the bottom. This worked well for a long time.  But I guess as with everything it gets old at some point.  
I've read many many many blogs and several books that touch on this subject of chores.  Chores being something that has to be done for the betterment of the family.  We are not including cleaning our rooms, brushing our teeth and things that must be done for each person each day.  More of the weekly cleaning type chores. ie: sweeping the front and back porch, sweeping the stairs, cleaning the playroom (thoroughly) washing the bathroom mirror, washing hand rails etc.  Today we tried making a list of chores for each person (age appropriate of coarse) and color coding them to match that person.  Then we folded and put all of these in a bowl and let the kids draw out their next chore.  
This worked great.  The kids were so excited to try something new.  The chores hadn't changed just our approach.  I also told them that one chore for each of them was marked with a star.  That chore when it was picked they could bring to me.  When they brought it to me they were given then option to earn money for that chore or they could have my help doing the chore.  Ya, know not one kid picked my help... Oh, well.  
Each chore had to be checked by me when they were done before they could pick a new one.  And you know they had finished all their chores in less than half an hour where it had been taking us close to two hours before.  I'm very excited at our change.  
I'd love to hear if any of ya'll have chore ideas you use in your home.  Please share them with us!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lessons in life

Yesterday it snowed in MO.  As soon as I told my kids they said, "mom, why did we move here?  We want to be where it snowed".  I also had a small tinge of sadness and regret come over me as I love snow!  But as a mom who wants to support her husband and all he does for us, sucked it up and told them that we moved here to enjoy so much more. 
We can enjoy the snow through pictures while everyone there is wishing they could be here where it was 72 degrees by 11 a.m.   We can go sit on our back porch and draw a beautiful tree in full bloom in the second week of March.  We can learn about the "thumping" rituals of woodpeckers who are native here and experience it firsthand as one has decided our fireplace chimney is the perfect home.  (and since it is against the law to move, touch or otherwise disrupt these birds..we will get to study this nice family of birds for a while) I put on a face of excitement and joy but inside was feeling slight bitterness and alot of sadness.
But funny thing...  Lord is showing me that I need to be an example to my kids. They are taking cues from me.  If I am crabby and cranky guess what so are they. Therefore I need to be excited about Spring coming earlier than I expect or wanted.  I need to be thrilled at the prospects of learning new things about our surroundings.  I want to be an encouragement to my children. I don't want them to remember their move to Atlanta as a drudgery and a let down.  I want them to be happy for Daddy as he is in a job he loves. 
So as we explore our new surroundings we are finding what plants grow well here, what animals are prevalent. And we are making a list of all the neat places that we will get to visit over the next year that we otherwise would not have gotten to see. :)   I am now excited that we get to share this time together and explore a whole new world in this Life that the Lord has graciously granted.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Use of Books

I am a huge sucker for books.  I love books.  Kid books, adult fiction, how to's, it doesn't matter. I love books.  To prove this I have hundreds of books all over my house. I have books on shelves, on coffee tables, in coffee tables, in boxes, on the floor of my bed room, stacked on tables way too high.
If that is not enough, I love to go to the library and find new books to read.  I really love to go to book fairs, book sales, garage sales with books.  I just can't get enough books. 

Recently I have found myself reading books about being organized, a good homemaker, a good wife etc.  These have inspired me to be "super mom".  Then when I go to sleep I dream of all these great things I'm going to do, like wake up before my kids and clean the kitchen, get a load of laundry in and actually cook breakfast instead of pour a bowl of cereal.  However, when morning comes this does not happen.  I find I give the kids their first task of the morning while I'm still lying in bed.  As they finish their morning chores I'm just crawling out of bed and fumbling into the kitchen to pour a bowl of cereal as I am not motivated enough yet to make that nice yummy breakfast I was so motivated to do the night before.  
Two conclusions I've drawn from this.  A)  I'm not a morning person.  I have grand ideas and intentions in the evening but come morning that all has faded all into oblivion.  B) I'm lazy.  Yup that's right, I've come to the conclusion that I am lazy.  I have not set my mind to something well enough to actually do it.  

It is all fine and good to read these great books and be super excited to implement some of the ideas found in these great books but unless I'm willing to actually get off my duff and do them it is no good continuing to peruse the book stores, library and my own stash if I don't make myself actually do something about it. I am just wasting time reading about what I should be doing.  Hopefully, I will set my mind to actually being a little less lazy very soon!

Friday, February 25, 2011


I have found that lately I'm lacking a very important key component to my daily duties.  MOTIVATION.  I don't want to do my chores around the house, I don't want to teach school, I don't want to make dinner.... I just want to stay in bed all day!  HMMMM my brain says there is a problem with that logic.  
The definition according to Webster's dictionary is: the condition of being eager to act or work. 
I can't remember the last time I was eager to do anything.  So this has caused me to think.  What is my problem? Why am I unmotivated?  I came to one and only one conclusion. 
God has been speaking to me for over a year about my role as a mom, a mother and a teacher.  These three seemingly simple things are the key to my service of God, my children's well being, my marriage and a happy home. He has now placed me in a situation where those are all I have... Why am I unmotivated?  Why am I asking why?  It seems very clear to me today that SATAN doesn't want me to be happy here in Georgia.  God must have something so awesome instore for us and I need to get on board.  
My prayer right now is that I see the blessings God has placed in my life today.  I have an awesomely big house that is situated near every major business that I need, yet secluded enough that all I hear in the mornings is the wind in the trees and the birds chirping.  I do not have the distractions of friends and family to keep me from staying home and doing what is necessary.  What better place is there for me right at this moment?  He is stretching me to get outside my comfort zone and meet new people and serve my family first.  I want to seize that blessing before it is gone and I have missed a blessed time in my families life.      

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sad Heart

So today I have a very sad heavy heart.  My best friend has been here for a week visiting.  It has been a wonderful blessed time.  We have chatted, laughed, cried and just had a great time with one another's company.  We have not needed to go site seeing or do grand things.  Just being in one another's company was good.  We went shopping, took each other to lunch and sat on the couch watching chick flicks while the kids slept or played outside.  Today she leaves.  I am struggling with feelings of loss, loneliness and fear.  
I know that I need to trust the Lord with these feelings.  I know that I will be okay.  I know that God has something for me here.  Why else would He have brought me.  However, I also know that so far after 80 some odd days here I have yet to find a friend that I can even call and say hey, much less someone who I can confide in and feel comfortable with.  
I know she is only a phone call away but there is definitely something to be said for being able to meet someone in person. 
I am going to miss her dearly. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Charlie Horses

So this week I have been experiencing something I haven't experienced since grade school.  I have had charlie horses. OUCH.  I forgot how painful they were.  Tuesday I had just a small one in my calf.  No biggie.  Then as the week continued they became more frequent and painful.  I had one in my thigh which made me think that I was going to collapse on the floor.  
So today when I went to see my NAET doctor I explained to her my issue.  She laughed and said that is good.  I did not see the humor in this.  If it was good that implies that there will be more.  I don't want more.  She said that it actually meant my body was accepting the treatment for my thyroid and therefore my metabolism is starting to rev up (if you will).  That is good news!
But will I have to deal with charlie horses from now on?  Good news, NO.  She said that I needed one of two minerals and that was easily fixable. I could implement them via foods rich in them or I could take them orally.  Wow, that's easy!
I am so excited that I am getting better, I am so excited that there is evidence of getting better.  I'm an instant gratification person so to see results quickly is a good thing. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Table Talk

I went to a meeting the other night and left convicted yet encouraged.  A mom of five was talking to us about the table.  Not necessarily whats on your table (but she did cover that briefly ) but more the atmosphere that surrounds your family dinner table.  Do your children display good manners?  Are they saying how yucky the dinner is?  Are they sitting in their seats?  Are they able to carry on a decent conversation at the table?  I noticed as she started her talk that I was patting myself on the back as she began with "Are your children saying words like "yuck" or "gross" at the table.  That is a pet peeve of Jeff's so that doesn't happen too much at our table.  I also patted myself on the back when she said can your kids carry on a decent conversation at the table?  Man can my kids talk.  There is no end to the conversation at our table.  And her question of "Do you eat together every night?" Yup been doing that since they were born so yeah for me... Pat, Pat, PAT. 
Next came the conviction and deflating though.  She said "I can tell from the looks on some of your faces that you are doing a typical "Homeschool Mom" pat on the back, before you pat your back so hard it goes out of alignment let me ask you this.  Do your kids sit in their seats through dinner?" 
Ah, crap!  No, I have one that bounces around so much I have pretty much just taken away his chair and he stands at the table.  And as she continued to talk I was convicted of how I am enabling him to fail.  Will he be expected to sit at a dinner meeting for work? Will he be expected to sit at a restaurant?  Will he be expected to sit at work?  YES he will.  I let him stand for school (which I think at his stage is perfectly fine, why else homeschool if you can't help your kids where they need it most, fidget control) but I don't make him sit for dinner as I just don't want to deal with the issue.  That is not a good reason.  I'm sure if I had another reason other than my own laziness then things would be different but there not. Another area of conviction came when she spoke of what happens in your home while you prepare for a dinner with guests.  Are your kids comfortable enough to help?Are you agitated all day while preparing for guests? Do you allow them to help? I struggle with this area so much!  I have let the perfectionist in me overtake my kitchen.  I don't let my kids help me because if I let one then they all want to help and its just too hard to watch three kids in the kitchen when you have a deadline. (and you want everything to be perfect) and yes I get super frustrated and crabby. She then asked us "Did your guests come for a 5 star meal, or did they come for your company, encouragement and friendship?"  OUCH!  I loved the idea she gave to have one kid a day be designated as the MOMMY HELPER.  You have one on one help to teach the child what you have been wanting too teach them but your perfectionism has hindered. 
I loved her talk so much that I bought her book.  I have really enjoyed the lighthearted tips and recipes she has given in her book.  Its not very long but just an encouragement to be the example that God has given to plan ahead, invite and encourage your guests that come into your home.  (Prov. 9:1-6)  The book is called Time Around the Table  by Michele Helms. 
So today we've implemented Mommy's Helper and had a blast.  We are hoping that soon we'll have guests to be able to encourage at our dinner table.  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby its cold outside!

As a kid I longed to live somewhere that had seasons.  Growing up in AZ you get Summer and Spring.  And Spring is very short lived.  I was so excited when I was able to go to college in MO where I could watch the leaves turn gold, auburn, peach and every shade between.  Then I actually got to experience leaves falling off the trees!  What a beautiful time of year.  My first Thanksgiving in MO was beautiful.  The first ice storm I had ever experienced happened to be the worst MO had seen in 20 years.  The trees turned to a beautiful crystal shimmer.  It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.  Driving from St. Louis to Springfield, MO I was in absolute awe over the crystal reflections of trees everywhere.  Then after winter came Spring, little green shoots popping up out of the ground, gorgeous pink, green, yellow, blue and purple popping up everywhere you looked.  So much better than the brown, olive, tan and brown that was always available in AZ.  As Spring turned to Summer the greens and various colors of Spring turned more vibrant and strong.  Summer then turned to Fall and the cycle would go again.  I thought this was awesome.  I loved experiencing every aspect of 4 seasons.  
Today, living in GA I am once again finding myself missing things like snow, ice and the like.  It is 34 degrees outside but there is not a single flake falling.  We have had drizzle that burns at it touches your skin because it is that cold.  So even though it is 45 outside you can't play outside as the drizzle is just painful.  The ground is wet. My theory is that if it is going to be cold you need to have cold weather type precipitation ie: snow or even ice.  Yes, I said ice at least then it would justify (in my mind anyway) the cold temperatures.  
Since I can not change where I am living.  I will make the best of what I have.  The three oldest kids and I are bundled up on the couch watching School House Rock, learning about adjectives, nouns, gravity and multiplication tables and oh yeah a bill too!  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Health (or lack there of)

Four years ago my mom was bed ridden and very ill.  Most doctors told her there was nothing they could do, she was going to live out the rest of her days, uncertain of how many, in pain and agony.  After seeing many doctors and given no hope she finally went to see the "VooDoo doctor" as my brother and I have affectionately come to call him.  This doctor gave her hope.  He told her that yes she was seriously ill but that if she would do exactly as he said she would be better.  So after months and months of treatment she gradually got better and now feels better than she did in her 30's. 
Yesterday I went to see a doctor of my own.  I have been feeling quite unwell for some time and knew that something was very wrong.  Sure enough, I received grave news yesterday.  My thyroid is failing and is very far gone.  My liver is not handling the stress well and therefore under great stress.  I didn't know whether to cry because it was very serious or be happy because I had found out in enough time to do something about it. 
I have chosen to be happy.  I have seen a "VooDoo" doctor of my own now and she has given me hope.  She has me on quite a few remedies to help my thyroid regain control and clear out my liver and rid the yeast in my blood that has infiltrated the very blood cells themselves.  I'm looking at a year or so for recovery but she promises me more energy by the end of the week.  I'm really looking forward to that. 
I'm looking  forward to being able to run the mile and a half w/ my boys every Thursday during ballet practice, and play outside w/ my kids for more than 10 minutes before I feel like I'm going to collapse.  I'm looking forward to not having dry itchy skin, dry eyes, 100 extra pounds and the many other side effects of having a thyroid that is not functioning.
I am hoping that recovery is quick and painless.  But, as I suspect it will be long and hard as most things in life are.  But if it will allow me one more day watching my kids grow, one more day serving my Lord in the calling He has given and one more day to sing His praise here on earth then it is worth it! :)  
Here's to Health!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Movies and School

Are movies and school a good combination?  I've heard both sides of the story. 
Never ever let them watch movies for school, it sends the wrong message, it adds to the ADD debate on and on. Or, a movie can enhance, add and enrich your school experience. 

I for one loved Movie day in school.  In fifth grade we had movie day every Friday.  If you had finished all your assignments you could watch the movie that Friday from 1-3.  (unfortunately that year I think I only saw one or two movies)  Then in junior high and high school we on rare occasions got to watch a movie.  I remember Lost Boys (not sure the academic value of that choice) Gone With the Wind, Roots and a few others.  I loved, loved, loved movie day.  I didn't much care for Roots or Gone with the Wind but I loved that for a whole week we had a certain hour of the day set aside for mindless entertainment.

Which is why I have decided to employ Movie day in our school day.  Now we will of coarse be watching movies that correspond with what we are reading or studying (unlike Lost Boys which was for 8th grade science class, relevant? I think not).  Therefore, after reading the book for a week, today we will watch The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.   Here's to two hours of mind numbing entertainment for our hard work!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Gift

Everything these days costs something.  Is there anything that is free anymore?  Not much!  While talking with my kids about their verses for AWANA I was reminded of a free gift that I received when I was 7.   Someone loved me enough to share with me that I was worth saving.  I was worth loving.  And it spoke right to my love language of gifts. The Bible said right there that I was given a gift I just had to accept it. 

What does it cost?  It cost God his one and only Son.  It cost Christ his life.  

Isa 53:5   But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But what did it cost me at that moment?  Nothing it was a gift.

 Ro 6:23   For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I was given eternal life through Christ!  How amazing is that? 
Now, being a Christian for gosh a really long time I know that the path through this life to reach my end goal of spending eternity with my Savior is not easy. I've had heartache, loss, and difficulty.

Mt 7:14 "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

But I don't have to bear that burden alone!  He promises to take care of me. 

1Pe 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time;
1Pe 5:7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you.
1Pe 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself perfect, establish, strengthen you.

What a gift!  I am so thankful for that gift he gave me and I hope that my children through example and studying of God's Word will one day accept that gift too!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am always amazed at peoples reaction to me when we are out and about.  Today for instance we took my middle son to his Playball class at our church.  Upon arrival we are greated by the teachers whom both look at me and say: "Are they all yours?"   I reply, "Yes, Yes they are."  And the typical response came forth, "Wow, you must have your hands full."  Do people not realize how they sound when they say comments like "Are they all yours?"  Then we head down to the church library while we wait for Jordan to finish his class.  The librarian sweetly greats us as we enter.  I gently remind the kids to remember we are in a place for whispers.  And then we proceed to the back of the library where they keep the kids section.  We spent half an hour looking at books and enjoying reading to one another.  As we gathered our books and met the librarian at the front to check out. She ever so sweetly says, "Do you mind my asking?, Do you homeschool?"  Before I could reply my daughter states, "Yes, we do.  Mommy teaches us everyday at our house" I smiled and said "yes, we do homeschool" She sweetly replied, "I can tell" and I just smiled.  Rachel being the curious one she is asks "how did you know?" And the librarian got down at her level and said "because you and your brothers have been so well mannered and obedient while you were in my library that I knew you had to learn that at home"  She then stood up and told me that it was a pleasure having us in today and she hoped we would return next week during our stay at church because she loved having obedient kids in the library. 
I am so amazed that our culture has so fallen from what it used to be that children are now expected to be loud, disobedient and obnoxious wherever they go.  I am so blessed that I can have these precious few years at home with my kids to teach them how to be good citizens and Christians and that the effort I am putting in is recognized.  Even though I often get the "Are they all yours" remarks, the occasional comment on how obedient, or well mannered my children are reminds me that I am running my race with diligence toward the prize.  My earthly prize is that my kids will soon be adults and as adults they will AMAZE the world for God!

Monday, January 24, 2011


This weekend I was challenged by our pastor to look at my life and see where my time is going.  As a mom of four young kids this of coarse was a very easy answer, I thought.  My kids, being a mom, a home school teacher, a wife etc etc.  However, upon further examination I realized I spend alot of time looking at blogs, diy sites, craft sites, facebook etc.  Just about anything but focusing on what is at hand. My home, my husband, my children and their school were all suffering from my lack of commitment.  I found myself in a world of self pity longing for a life of adventure and excitement.  Not looking at what I had here and now but at what I had or what I wanted.  So after a couple days of thought and prayer, I've decided to start a blog of my own and use it as my creative outlet full of my own adventures, instead of wasting my time reading about others and their adventures. 
I'm very excited! I'm hoping that through this I can encourage myself and maybe even someone else who is needing encouragement.