Sunday, January 30, 2011

Health (or lack there of)

Four years ago my mom was bed ridden and very ill.  Most doctors told her there was nothing they could do, she was going to live out the rest of her days, uncertain of how many, in pain and agony.  After seeing many doctors and given no hope she finally went to see the "VooDoo doctor" as my brother and I have affectionately come to call him.  This doctor gave her hope.  He told her that yes she was seriously ill but that if she would do exactly as he said she would be better.  So after months and months of treatment she gradually got better and now feels better than she did in her 30's. 
Yesterday I went to see a doctor of my own.  I have been feeling quite unwell for some time and knew that something was very wrong.  Sure enough, I received grave news yesterday.  My thyroid is failing and is very far gone.  My liver is not handling the stress well and therefore under great stress.  I didn't know whether to cry because it was very serious or be happy because I had found out in enough time to do something about it. 
I have chosen to be happy.  I have seen a "VooDoo" doctor of my own now and she has given me hope.  She has me on quite a few remedies to help my thyroid regain control and clear out my liver and rid the yeast in my blood that has infiltrated the very blood cells themselves.  I'm looking at a year or so for recovery but she promises me more energy by the end of the week.  I'm really looking forward to that. 
I'm looking  forward to being able to run the mile and a half w/ my boys every Thursday during ballet practice, and play outside w/ my kids for more than 10 minutes before I feel like I'm going to collapse.  I'm looking forward to not having dry itchy skin, dry eyes, 100 extra pounds and the many other side effects of having a thyroid that is not functioning.
I am hoping that recovery is quick and painless.  But, as I suspect it will be long and hard as most things in life are.  But if it will allow me one more day watching my kids grow, one more day serving my Lord in the calling He has given and one more day to sing His praise here on earth then it is worth it! :)  
Here's to Health!

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