Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Contentment and Joy

So this summer has been a whirl wind of change. We, only being in GA for 7 months, decided to buy a home and move yet again.  This means: packing, packing and more packing to eventually unpack, unpack and more unpacking.  Through all of this change we have seen many issues arise in our family.  
These issues range from the small of too much stuff to the large of character issues. The two largest issues we have noticed is our lack of joy and lack of contentment.  I say our because I noticed it in me first. We know this move was hard on everyone.  Taking what was comfortable and easy to what is different and hard.  From lots of friends and family to no friends or family.  As an adult it is easy to see and say... "This is what God wants for us."  But, we didn't even fathom the difficulty our children would have with the changes.  
I still have no doubt in my mind that moving to GA and then moving to our new home were the best decisions and the ones God had in store for us. However, watching the pain, and heartache that my children are going through makes the sting all the more real.  I myself am struggling day to day with the loss of close ties and to watch my children struggle with not seeing their friends and being lonely breaks my heart.
So we have tried to focus on finding joy and contentment in a world of chaos and sadness.  Choosing joy vs depression, choosing contentment vs anger.  These are hard things as an adult.  Teaching them to a child is an uphill battle that I must conquer.  We are studying Abraham, Joseph, Jonah and the many other people in history that either by choice or not left what was comfortable and familiar to follow God's will.  Through that, seeing what blessing or lack of blessing they received, and we are finding that picking joy and contentment in the situation and following God's plan is always the best coarse of action in any circumstance. 

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