Friday, April 1, 2011


My heart is aching.  I just read a discussion on facebook that a group of old friends were involved.  I am shocked and amazed at how people who grew up being told the truth and profess it to be true can so vehemently oppose it now. I have been watching the last few months as a couple, man and wife, that I grew up with completely turn their backs on God and are now trying to bring others with them.  
I have on the other hand watched as friends who were luke warm in their faith as teens flourish in their adulthood into servants of Christ.  It is this that has brought these two worlds together and has made my heart ache today. 
I saw a post by an old friend informing of a decision a well know cancer organization had made to support a well known abortion supporter  I upon reading it was so proud of that friend for being bold enough to post it.  Then I started reading the posts in reply to the original.  Several of the comments were by people I did not know and therefore was just sad for a few and very impressed by others. 
However, one post caught my eye. It was from the couple whom I have ached for the past month because I've seen that they have allowed their hurt by other "Christians" to turn them the opposite directions and they therefore label themselves "free thinkers".  In his post he says that Christians are self righteous hypocrites because they choose to oppose abortion and yet not adopt the many children in foster care.  Really, so my status as a Christian is based on whether I have the money to adopt children?!? not on whether I choose something because it is done in obedience to the Word of God.  
I was saddened  by the fact that his only defense to his anger toward this post was that he felt Christians had abandoned the defenseless fatherless child. Stating that we stereotyped this business by one persons (the ceo of the company) decision to support another company.  However he stereotyped an entire group of people by the decisions of a few.  Yes, I agree many Christians don't see the orphan as their responsibility.  However to blame the whole for a few is the same thing he is arguing in the defense.  
I have not yet figured out what or how or if I should to respond to him.  It is the first time in a long time I have actually wanted to get into a debate.  However, I don't yet feel I should.  My prayer is now more fervent for my old friends and a new prayer for the wisdom and words to say at the appropriate time are added.    

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