2014. 2014. Wow, 2014 brings many emotions with it. I've been out of high school for 20 years this year. My oldest child turns 10. This is going to be our second full year w/ T1D. 2014 brings with it many possibilities, new hobbies, new habits, new people.
This year is the year I have decided that I start over. Not from scratch mind you. I love my husband, my family and our life together. I am starting over on me. Starting over on my outlook on life. Starting over on how I treat myself and those around me.
This year I am starting a new lifestyle. A keto-adapted lifestyle. I spent the majority of 2013 researching this new way of thinking and I fully support it. Granted I researched it and dabbled in it but never really went for it. I want to be healthy for a long time so I can watch my now 10 year grow into a godly young man and watch my daughter become the graceful dancer she longs to become. To watch my middle son develop a sense of confidence and become a great leader. To watch my youngest as he grows in his leadership skills and takes on the world. I want to be able to play with grandchildren if God blesses me with them. All of these dreams, I will need to take action today if I want to see them through not wait till it happens then wish I had been more diligent w/ what God gave me.
This year I want to fine tune our homeschool. I want to be more organized, meaning being able to find that book I know I bought two years ago for just this very lesson. I am not an organizer by nature. I like organization and I like organizing other people's stuff, just not my own. So this new year I am going to put effort into organization. Clearing out the clutter and putting everything in its place. Making our homeschool one of joy not frustration and dread. Having a place the kids can sit and concentrate not having to move around toys to find a place to study but to have a set place to do so in a conducive environment.
This year I want to grow the relationships I have and create new ones. I want to start a Bible Study for homeschool moms. I have tons of ideas in my head and the desire to do it, I just need to stop making excuses of time and a clean house and just do it. I want to work on my hospitality skills. They exist but never get used because I always have an excuse. The built in mess of a homeschool mom. Not this year, we are going to have people over, mess or not. We are going to show God's love even when I don't feel like it.
2014 has so much potential, I can't wait to see where God takes us. Stay tuned for an action packed adventure in our Fresh Start.